About Nancy Somers

Nancy Somers is a physical fitness expert and instructor from Temple University in Philadelphia.  She has traveled the world pursuing her interests in Eastern philosophy, yoga, body culture, and fitness.

She has been a guest on several television programs discussing Wellness Strategies, Brain Health, and Intentional Living.

Nancy owns and operates the South Burlington Yoga Studio and is the creator of Happiness Now Presentations.

I work in cooperation with dedicated others to expand visions and make heartfelt goals real. 

Teaching Experience

Temple University
University of Vermont
Medical Center Hospital of Vermont
State Of Vermont Health and Wellness Department
State of Vermont Teachers Association


Yoga – Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health and Temple University
Aerobics – Princeton University
Life Coach – Expert Rating Global Certifications

Volunteer Work

Tour Guide Shelburne Farms
Guest Greeter and Events Volunteer Shelburne Museum
Bone Builders Exercise Classes, So Burlington City Center


Dr. Ann Wigmore, Author and Teacher
Florence Scovel Shinn, Prosperity Writer
Catherine Ponder, Prosperity Teacher and Author
Dr. Andrew Weil,   Doctor, Teacher, and Author
Donna Eden, Author, Energy Medicine, and Teacher
Dr. Maxwell Maltz, Author: Psychocybernetics
Sandra Hart, Author and Life Coach / Life Over Sixty Blog